PPC Case Study

B2B Event Management Company Improves Lead Quality 56%



Industry: SaaS – Event Tech
Location: New York, NY
Boomset encourages sustainability and increases value at events using software paired with unmatched customer support to provide data and efficient on-site event experiences.

The Challenge

Boomset had been running ads on Google since 2013 before reaching out to Megethos. Though they had been running ads for some time, a consistent issue was lead quality. They were generating leads but oftentimes these leads were not a good fit. Occasionally, these leads weren’t even looking for anything related to Boomset’s product offerings.

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Our Approach

To help tackle this issue of lead quality, we first needed to better understand what attributes made up a qualified lead for Boomset. This required thorough conversations with the Boomset team and an in depth analysis of all PPC leads from the prior year. We were then able to review the current targeting and setup in Google Ads through the lens of what makes a good lead. We quickly began making targeting adjustments to locations, keywords, demographics, and more. In addition to these changes we also implemented best practices in terms of account settings, ad copy, bidding strategies, and UTM tracking in order to understand what campaign/keyword the leads in their backend were coming from in Google Ads.

The Solution

Understand Lead Quality Characteristics: We performed a lead quality questionnaire & in-depth CRM analysis to truly understand what made a quality lead.

Targeting Refinement: We refined overall targeting by excluding certain locations, adjusting demographic bids, implementing negative keyword lists and ad schedules.

Megethos’ Foundation: We set up a strong account foundation by adjusting account level settings, updating ad copy and ad types.

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The Results

We were able to achieve our client’s goals within the first 30 days of partnership! Our changes helped decrease Cost Per MQL by 50% as well as increase Quality Rate 56% and Deal Rate 57%. Not only that, but our efforts directly contributed to an additional $9,000 in revenue in the same time frame. These results gave our client peace of mind when it came to PPC. 

Lift in Lead Quality
Decrease in Cost per MQL
Lift in Leads to Deals Rate

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